Slateville Farm History
20 years ago old “Nelson’s Farm” was purchased with the original farmhouse and barns sitting on 150 acres. Over the last few years we have added 200 acres that include the beautiful but abandoned red slate quarries that were once the glory of Granville during the 19th century. Some of our land rests in the little hamlet of Slateville, aptly named for the slate mining that took place here in the past. Countless weekends and precious vacation time were dedicated to improving the farm buildings and the land. Piece by piece, using reclaimed materials, creativity, and the help of some friends, the original farmhouse from 1880 was gutted and rebuilt. It took long term vision and endless energy to cut in the roads, develop our trail network, rebuild the fences, rescue and repurpose the barns, and we are still hard at it today. Historically, the land had been used for growing potatoes and raising cows for the dairy business, we continue that legacy and now raise a herd of beautiful & impressive Scottish Highlanders on our open pastures.
The most appreciated feature of the farm is the fresh endless water source, which is the cold spring that naturally flows all year round, feeding the lovely ponds. And the character of the farm is really defined by those unique and rare red slate quarries, we still use the slate today for our paving, building, and art projects. We hope you will come by and enjoy our lovely trails and the appreciate the dramatic skies that span endlessly over the lovely hills of Hebron.
And about us…We are originally from Connecticut and have always enjoyed the quiet drive up historic Route 22 to come to the farm. We are a match made in heaven, one of us a performing artist who traveled the world for 25 years and the other in the admirable pursuits of excavation, construction, and design! Both of us are hard working, love the outdoors, and have a passion for growing our own food. Operating a humble farm stand weekends and participating in the local farmers market has always been a goal of ours and in 2024 we can be found at the Granville Farmers Market on Thursdays 2-5pm at Church and Main.
Thank you for visiting our site and don’t hesitate to reach out and connect. ~ Heather & Paul